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Inheritance law and company succession

We provide legal assistance in situations where the right to inheritance lies outside Poland, or – as is increasingly common – in Poland and abroad.

In such a case, proof of the right to inheritance is provided in accordance with the laws of the country in which the deceased died or in which he left his property. Further problems arise for those persons who became foreigners as a result of the Second World War and left their property on the territory of today’s Poland (or the borders of 1939).

We also support you in tax matters related to inheritance. We will inform you whether taxes are payable only abroad or also in Poland, and in what amount. We handle numerous inheritance matters with testators and heirs in Germany, Austria, Spain, South Africa and the USA.

Company succession:

The so-called succession process, i.e. the handover of a company, requires services from the fields of company, real estate, inheritance, family, copyright and labour law, procedural law, accounting, economics and – often most importantly – a great deal of psychological intuition.

Selected examples of company transfers:

  • Calculation of the value of capital shares by the partners of a commercial partnership,
  • Division of competences and responsibilities of a corporation following its transformation into a civil law partnership (private law and tax responsibility),
  • Division between spouses (partners) from their relationships in partnerships and commercial companies, their shares in commercial property (usufruct – and use of land and buildings) as well as share and maintenance obligations towards children.

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    ul. Kielecka 19
    31-523 Kraków